Written by Khadija Elrabti
Three months into the New Year and humanity has seen a shift in everyday life. The term COVID-19 has already become embedded into the brains of so many. For weeks now headlines have only ever included; Coronavirus, outbreak, pandemic, quarantine, travel ban, self-isolate, stay-at-home and a constantly rising number of cases or deaths.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has organized a large trial in search of the treatment for the novel Coronavirus.
“This large, international study is designed to generate the robust data we need to show which treatments are the most effective,” said Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at a live WHO press briefing on COVID-19. “We have called this study the solidarity trial”.
In the meantime, many scientists and doctors have taken it upon themselves to research possible ways to slow down and prevent the virus. Vitamin drips and infusions have become a common variable talked about by many researchers.
Infusion drips initially were a beauty trend used by many celebrities like actress Mona Zaki and Singer Assala where they've posted pictures of cannulas attached to their arms and spoken out online about how these drips have changed their lives to the better. Beyond beauty, the practice of IV drips, using the correct substances, mainly work on people's immunity.
In these critical times of the COVID-19 outbreak, the medical community have been highlighting the importance of boosting one's immune system and correlating that with dosages of vitamin infusions.
“There are many ways to strengthen your immune system; they start with eating habits and consuming enough healthy foods, getting good rest, and exercising properly," said Pharmacy manager Panassaya Suppasansatorn. "However, for those who do not have much time to take care of themselves or those who are at risk of being infected with the disease such as medical personnel getting an intravenous vitamin drip might be the most suitable answer.”
These drips infuse vitamins, like vitamin C, B and D that have defensive qualities, into the body through the form of an injection. At times the drips can have a cocktail of up to over 10 different vitamins usually professionally customized to fit the patient.

IV drips for emergency medical aid such as when a person is severely hydrated due to food poisoning, has been a technique used in hospitals for many years in Egypt; with strict guidelines to where, how and by whom this patient is given the IV treatment.
The use of IV drips for beautification or for alternative treatments on people that are not necessarily ill is a practice that is very popular in Asia's health clinics and beauty salons; it has however become infused in to the Egyptian society and gradually it has been trending for the past few months.
The Med Travel Egypt team visited one of the only two certified clinics in Egypt that offer the IV drip service. Premier Care clinic, located near the river Nile, has over six drips consisting of a combination of different components like magnesium, B complex, zinc amongst many others. These components are known to target migraines, mood swings, weak immune systems, metabolism, body aches and much more depending on the used dosage and the needed combination.
According to one of Premier Care's dermatologists, initially clients come in mostly asking for an infusion that helps protect them from the effects of pollution since it was seen as a major issue in Egypt and Business Insider named Egypt's capital, Cairo the most polluted city in the world. Today more and more people call in asking for infusions that help prevent viruses.
"By using the IV drip technique the vitamins act immediately as they go directly to the bloodstream; drips have been available for a while now but were not well known to the masses and those who do know about them thought they were only used to brighten and beautify one's physical appearance," said a doctor from Premier Care clinic, Lydia Amin. "Nowadays, many have realized the vitamin drips' full potential; they are able to build a strong immunity and provide protection from various diseases whilst giving you a radiant look."
The types of drips vary and consequently so do the prices. Most clinics have the main drips that boost hydration, boost energy, detox and others that promote brain health and give mood support. Although they might be labeled differently; most clinics use these names because they are self-explanatory.

Some medics criticize the IV infusion technique as according to NHS England Medical Director Professor Stephen Powis, there is a risk that they can be very damaging to one's health. Dangers include inflammation, bruising and skin infections.
A report published in the national library of medicine highlights that the risks are low and will only most likely occur with high dosages of the vitamins, which could happen if professionals fail to do initial lab tests and ensure dosage is not toxic for the individual seeking the therapy.
High dosages of vitamins in IV drips depend on each individual's biochemistry as each person's nutritional levels differ, Functional-medicine expert, Dr. Will Cole mentions on his website.
Premier Care's Dr. Amin also argues that these services should only take place at certified clinics under the supervision of a professional as they would know the correct usage and dosage when using the IV drips.
Dripping vitamins is seen as one way to cope with the COVID-19 outbreak and the rich seem to agree extensively. Some have been spending hundreds of pounds on IV infusion sessions. According to Forbes, private medical facilities have seen an 18 per cent increase in the number of inquires for its immune boosting infusions in this specific period.
Scientists at the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University are studying to see if high doses of vitamin C infusions can help fight the pneumonia-like virus.
Although the results have not yet been published many doctors advise that people get immunity-boosting vitamin drips as they can increase white blood cells, the cell's division and increase the immune system's response to many different types of viruses.